Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 24 - Wet Flies

As I mentioned yesterday, I made it a purpose to tie some flies today. In fact, I tied some wet fly patterns that I've been meaning test out. Of course, this was after I spent some money at the local fly shop to get some hooks, thread, and a few magazines.

I've been curious about fishing wet flies for some time now. I must admit, I don't normally fish this style. Which, when you really think about the history of fly fishing, is pretty odd. Wet flies were the staple of most anglers for hundreds of years. The emergence of dry flies and nymphs didn't occur until the late 1800's. As such, wet flies had a stronghold in the angling realm until the mid-twentieth century. About that time, a shift in angling thinking occurred (no doubt helped by books like "A Modern Dry Fly Code") to matching insect life versus utilizing attractor patterns.

Since I'm going to be using the wet flies tomorrow, I had to "bone up" on the techniques for this method of fishing. I traditionally cast upstream and follow the fly down. Its a method that tends to work well for nymphs and dry flies. Of course, I don't blindly cast on the stream, but figure out where the trout will be at and cast to them.

Tomorrow, the fishing technique is going to be a little different. I will cast perpendicular to the stream, and allow the current to "pull" my line. I may even modify this by Euro-Nymphing the wet flies. It will be a day of discovery and learning for me.

Anyway, back to the patterns I tied. I tied four different patterns. I didn't tie too many, as I don't know if I will be sold on these four patterns. I tied the Copper Spider, Hare's Ear Spider, Orange Fish Hawk, and the Yorkshire Spider.

Copper Spider
Hooks: MUSR70, TMC3769, or DIA 1550; sizes 10-14
Thread: Brown
Body: Copper wire wrapped closely
Hackle: Mottled brown Hungarian partridge tied on as a collar

Hare's Ear Spider
Hooks: MUSR70, TMC3769, or DIA 1550; sizes 10-14
Thread: Brown
Ribbing: Oval Gold Tinsel
Body: Dubbed with hare's mask fur
Hackle: Mottled brown Hungarian partridge tied on as collar & tied back

Orange Fish Hawk
Hooks: TMC 3761 or DIA1560; sizes 8-14
Thread: Black
Body: Dubbed with orange ribbing fur
Hackle: Badger hen hackle tied on as a collar & tied back
Yorkshire Spider
Hooks: MUSR70, TMC3769, or DIA 1550; sizes 10-14
Thread: Black
Abdomen: Purple floss
Thorax: Dubbed with hare's ear mask fur
Hackle: Natural black hen hackle tied on as a collar. Hackle should reach hook bend.