Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 53 - Fun filled crazy day

Today's post may be a little shorter than normal. That's because right now it is 10:34 PM and I've had a long fun filled day. It was full of adventure: new friends, small fish, big fish, and Tschaikovsky. And now I'm sitting here at the laptop, showing commitment to the blog (and you readers).

Today's recap goes like this...

6:30 AM I'm awake and brewing coffee. I've managed to put some clothes on and am waiting for my wife to get out of the bathroom so I can brush my teeth.

6:45 AM I kiss my wife as she gets ready to go to her physical therapy for her foot.

6:46 AM Wife comes inside and says that she has backed into a car across the street

7:00 AM I knock on the neighbor's door and explain that their car has been bumped into, I give them our insurance information (FYI, this is officially the first time I've introduced myself to them).

7:10 AM I've finished gathering my stuff for the fishing trip, and put the dog into the kennel

7:30 AM Gas is now in the Trout-mobile and heading towards Stone Mountain State Park to meet up with John

8:00 AM Expecting to see the turn off for Dunkin' Donuts

8:15 AM Where is that turnoff?

8:30 AM Seriously! Did I miss it?

9:00 AM Turn off to grab McDonald's, still thinking about donuts though

9:25 AM Pull into the ranger station at Stone Mountain State Park. Meet up with John. This is the first time we've met. We bumped into each other on this blog & Twitter. You should check out his blog. It is Seven Bridges Road.

10:00 AM - 3:30 PM We fish the streams at Stone Mountain State Park. I manage to net about 5 fish (maybe 6, but today I'm going to go conservative). I've probably missed twice that many in hookups due to bad knots, missed strikes, and bad hook sets. John and I realize that we're going to have to fish more often. Also, before departing we decide that we're going to try and go to the WNC Fly Fishing Expo in Asheville next weekend.

4:30 PM After talking to my wife, I pull over off the interstate and find Burger King.

5:25 PM Pull up into the carport at home. Manage to kiss my wife before she heads out to bell choir

5:30 PM Realized that I missed South Park yesterday so watched it online. Starting to wonder if all they are going to do anymore is mock TV shows.

6:00 PM Headed into the shower to wash off the fish slime.

6:30 PM Getting dressed, found weird green stuff in toothbrush and thought, "How long has this been there?" Time to get a new brush I suppose.

6:45 PM Time to feed Wonderpup and let him outside

6:50 PM Wonderpup put in kennel and starting to lock up the house

6:55 PM Wife calls to ask where I am at, I was supposed to have been there by now. Somehow I thought I was supposed to pick her up at the church by 7:30, symphony starts at that time. Decided to be a little heavier on the gas.

7:10 PM Pull into church parking lot. My wife is waiting for me outside. I whip around and pick her up

7:30 PM Start to pull into parking lot for the Greensboro Symphony. Realized at the gate that neither one of us had cash, they let us in anyway and a parking attendant met us inside by an ATM.

7:45 - 9:45 PM Listened to some amazing music by Tschaikovsky. The conductor actually played the violin for one piece as the music was quite difficult. His fingers fled up and down those strings. Amazing...

10:00 PM Dropped wife off at the church so she could pick up her car.

10:15 PM Home. Wonderpup suddenly becomes my shadow (this is when I really like him).

10:34 PM Starting to write blog.

11:16 PM Blog finished. Now heading towards bed.

1 comment:

  1. Great times man! Looking forward to the next one. You tie some awsome flies too. After you left I landed a nice 17 inch rainbow down river and run up on beaver town!!

    Thanks for the fellowship and brews!
